Al's paintings play with strong contrasts of light and dark, employing shadows as a defining element. His fascination extends beyond subject matter to encompass the application of paint and the structural intricacies of his creations.
Nature, with its ever-changing facets, holds significant sway in much of his work, emphasising the crucial connection between humans and the environment. Recent pieces delve into the nuanced realm of climate change, evident in a series titled 'Nothing Gold Can Stay,' inspired by Robert Frost's poem. This series explores the transient nature of precious things, using nature's cycles as a metaphor for life, death, and the loss of innocence.
He describes himself as a figurative painter, steering clear of strict realism in favour of an emotional connection forged during the creation and viewing of his art. Al deliberately employs a limited number of models, aspiring to craft pieces that are both beautiful and intriguing, balancing the contemporary with the classical to achieve a timeless quality.